The Diagram Properties Form is accessed from the main
ring menu File > Edit Diagram Properties.
The Diagram Name, Notes1 and Notes2
are text fields stored in the diagram.
Hosts File: Specifies the file used to supply
IP addresses. See Below.
Canvas Width and Canvas Height specify
the size of the canvas.
There is a limitation in the current release whereby if
you attempt to make the Canvas too large you may get
memory resource problems. This shows up particularly
when you try to export to a bitmap file, print or use
the zoom button. You may get a blank form or an error
when this happens. You have been warned!
Backdrop: Specify an image file for the
Backdrop of the diagram.
Forground Colour and Background Colour:
Sets the colours used for Object Name and IP Labels.
Link Text Colour: Selects the colour for text
used to highlight objects which link to another diagram.
Float Text Foreground and Background Colours:
Sets the colours used for Float Text.
Make These The Default: Sets the defaults for
new diagrams.